
Broccoli Falafel

Broccoli Falafel are fantastic protein-rich fritters loaded with zesty fresh flavors herbs, broccoli and chickpeas, naturally vegan and vegetarian,and falafel are perfect for wraps, pitas, sandwiches and salads!

Raise your hand if you are obsessed with falafel! Yes, if you love falafel, then must-try this version of broccoli falafel. These falafels are golden brown and crispy on the outside. The insides are tender, delicious, and full of fresh herbs.They are gluten free and vegan, so they’re a great party appetizer.

Perfect for adding to wraps, sandwiches, salads, hummus platters, or any other ways that you love to serve falafel. My personal favorite — just serve them up plain with a good tahini sauce, or hummus for dipping! This falafel recipe also freezes well, if you’d like to make a big batch and save some for later.


There are a million ways to make falafel, but traditional falafel is made from ground chickpeas or fava beans, herbs and spices. The mixture is then formed into balls or patties and deep fried for a texture that’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, sort of like a fritter. It’s a classic Middle Eastern and Mediterranean recipe that’s enjoyed as street food and often served up as part of mezze (a group of small meals).[Wiki]


Falafel are naturally gluten-free and made from a few simple pantry ingredients. There are many variations out there for various ingredients that you can use to make falafel. Here’s what’s in my recipe:

  • Dried chickpeas: AVOID using canned chickpeas! Dried chickpeas (that have been soaked in water for 24 hours) are an important ingredient that will give your falafel the right consistency and taste.
  • Broccoli: I use freshly blanched broccoli, but frozen will also goes well.
  • Onion: I use red onion for a slightly stronger flavor, but white or yellow onions will work as well.
  • Cilantro: These delicious herbs inject heaps of flavor into your falafel and turn the inside a beautiful, vibrant green.
  • Garlic and Ginger : Use fresh garlic cloves and ginger rather than powder for the most robust flavor. Feel free to add a little extra garlic if you’re a mega garlic lover.
  • Green Chilli : A small pepper adds a kick of flavor and spice without over-powering the falafel. You can adjust this to more or less, but don’t omit it.
  • Cumin, Salt,Coriander powder and Pepper powder : These aromatic spices are used often in Middle Eastern cooking and have an earthy, spicy, assertive flavor you’ll love.
  • Lemon : Lemon or Lime juice to make up the zesty flavors.
  • Oil: Any mild high-heat oil will work here. I have used vegetable oil for frying


Let’s look this into two steps – making the mixture and then cooking (so you can choose your preferred cooking method).


Soak your dried chickpeas. Overnight or for at least 8-12 hours with enough water.

Blanch the broccoli florets in a salty boiling water for 2 minutes.

Add all the ingredients to a food processor or blender. Pulse until the mixture reaches a coarse crumb texture, stopping partway through to scrape down the sides of the bowl if needed.

Transfer mixture to a sealed container and refrigerate for 1-2 hours or until chilled.

You can do shape your falafel by hand or using a cookie scoop, either rolls as ball or make it like patties.


To Deep Fry Falafel: Heat oil in a pot on medium heat. Once the oil is hot, gently drop 6-7 falafel into the oil at a time. Let them cook for 1-2 minutes or until golden on the outside.

To Pan Fry Falafel: Heat a few tablespoons of oil in a pan on medium-high heat. Gently place the falafel in the pan and cook each side for 2-3 minutes or until golden, then transfer to a paper towel-lined plate.

To Bake Falafel: Pre-heat your oven to 375F. Place the falafel on the baking sheet, lightly brush the top side with oil and bake for 30-35 minutes, flipping halfway through.


Some of tips which I used to follow:

  • Always use dry chickpeas. Dry chickpeas, that have been soaked in water for 24 hours, will give you the best texture and flavor. Dry chickpeas are naturally starchy and will help your falafels to stay well formed.
  • Don’t add water while pulsing in blender or food processor.
  • Don’t blend to a smooth paste since it will spoil the texture of the falafel, it should resemble coarse sand.
  • If the mixture looks little runny, you can add tbsp of chickpeas flour or any gluten-free flour to the mixture.
  • Chill the falafel mixture. Chilling for at least 1 hour helps with the shaping.
  • You can baking powder to the falafel mixture before forming into balls/patties. As a raising agent, baking powder here helps make the falafel on the fluffy side.
  • If you are going to deep fry the falafel then make sure the oil is on medium heat ( if its on high heat then the outer layer will soon become brown but inside it will not cook properly) and do not crowd the falafel.


Some possible falafel recipe variations are:

  • Spices: You can add in a pinch of ground cardamom, cinnamon and/or turmeric to this falafel mix too.
  • Herbs: You can also add fresh mint,parsley along with coriander in this falafel mixture.
  • Veggies: You can add cauliflower, beetroot to falafel as well in place of broccoli.
  • Legumes: Can also use fava beans, lentils, white beans, black beans in place of chickpeas.


Falafel mixture will keep in the fridge for 1-2 days ahead of time. Form it into patties/balls when ready to fry/bake.

To freeze, place uncooked falafel patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze for 1 hour. Once hardened, transfer the patties into a freezer bag and freeze for up to 1 month.


Falafel are best served immediately after cooking, so they’re warm and crispy. Serve falafel as an appetizer, wrap it into a pita sandwich, or add it to salad for a protein-rich topping.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy falafel? I love them in warm pita sandwiches with tahini sauce or hummus!

Do check on my homemade tahini sauce and classic hummus recipe!

You might also like,

Beet Falafel



1 cup dried chickpeas, soaked overnight
1 cup broccoli florets, blanched
1/2 cup cilantro
1/2 cup red onion,roughly chopped
2-3 garlic cloves
1 inch ginger
2-3 green chilli
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp pepper powder
salt to taste
oil for frying


  1. Soak your dried chickpeas. Overnight or for at least 8-12 hours with enough water.
  2. Blanch the broccoli florets in a salty boiling water for 2 minutes.
  3. Add all the ingredients to a food processor or blender. Pulse until the mixture reaches a coarse crumb texture, stopping partway through to scrape down the sides of the bowl if needed.
  4. Transfer mixture to a sealed container and refrigerate for 1-2 hours or until chilled.
  5. You can do shape your falafel by hand or using a cookie scoop, either rolls as ball or make it like patties.
  6. Heat oil in a heavy-bottom pan on medium heat. Once the oil is hot, gently drop 6-7 falafel into the oil at a time. Let them cook for 1-2 minutes or until golden on the outside.
  7. Serve the falafels immediately while they are warm and crispy.


  1. Always use dry chickpeas. Dry chickpeas, that have been soaked in water for 24 hours, will give you the best texture and flavor. Dry chickpeas are naturally starchy and will help your falafels to stay well formed.
  2. Don’t add water while pulsing in blender or food processor.
  3. Don’t blend to a smooth paste since it will spoil the texture of the falafel, it should resemble coarse sand.
  4. If the mixture looks little runny, you can add tbsp of chickpeas flour or any gluten-free flour to the mixture.
  5. Chill the falafel mixture. Chilling for at least 1 hour helps with the shaping.
  6. You can baking powder to the falafel mixture before forming into balls/patties. As a raising agent, baking powder here helps make the falafel on the fluffy side.
  7. If you are going to deep fry the falafel then make sure the oil is on medium heat ( if its on high heat then the outer layer will soon become brown but inside it will not cook properly) and do not crowd the falafel.

Are you making this recipe? Then don’t forget to like and leave your comments for this recipe!  I LOVE to see your creations so snap a photo and tag BlendOfSpicesbySara on Instagram with the hashtag #blendofspicesbysara

Reach out to me at blendofspicesbysara@gmail.com and also you can follow me on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM ,PINTEREST,TWITTER to see what’s latest in my kitchen!


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